داستان انگلیسی- گنجه ی سنگین
Miss Green had a heavy cupboard in her bedroom.
خانم گرین قفسه (گنجه) سنگینی در اتاق خوابش داشت.
Last Sunday she said, ‘I don’t like this cupboard in my bedroom.
یکشنبه گذشته گفت: من قفسه (گنجه) اتاق داخل اتاقخوابم را دوست ندارم.
The bedroom’s very small, and the cupboard’s very big.
اتاق خوابم خیلی کوچک و قفسه (گنجه) خیلی بزرگ است.
I’m going to put it in a bigger room.’
میخواهم این گنجه را در اتاق بزرگتری قرار دهم.
But the cupboard was very heavy, and Miss Green was not very strong.
اما گنجه خیلی سنگین بود و خانم گرین خیلی قوی نبود.
She went to two of her neighbors and said, ‘Please carry the cupboard for me.’
او پیش دو تا از همسایههایش رفت و گفت: لطفا گنجه را برای من حمل کنید.
Then she went and made some tea for them
بعد او رفت تا برای آنها چای درست کند.
The two men carried the heavy cupboard out of Miss Green’s bedroom and came to the stairs.
آن دو مرد آن گنجه سنگین را از اتاقخواب خانم گرین بیرون آورند و به سوی پلهها رفتند.
One of them was in front of the cupboard, and the other was behind it.
یکی از آنها در جلوی گنجه بود، و دیگری در پیشت گنجه.
They pushed and pulled for a long time, and then they put the cupboard down.
آنها برای مدت طولانی گنجه را هل دادن و کشیدند، و سپس گنجه را زمین گذاشتند.
‘Well,’ one of the men said to the other, ‘we’re never going to get this cupboard upstairs.’
یکی از مردها به دیگری گفت: خوب، ما که نمیتوانیم گنجه را به بالای پله ها ببریم.
‘Upstairs?’ the other man said. ‘Aren’t we taking it downstairs?’
مرد دیگر گفت: بالای پلهها؟ مگر نمیخواهیم آن را پایین ببریم.
۱-Why didn’t Miss Green like the cupboard in her bedroom?
۲- Where did she want it?
۳- Why didn’t she carry it there?
۴- What did she say to two of her nighbours?
۵- What did the neighbours do?
۶- What did one of them say?
۷- And what did the other man say?
جواب ها
ابتدا خودتان سعی کنید جواب سوال ها را بدهید (حتی چند کلمه) بعدا برای صحت آنها، به جواب ها نگاه کنید.
۱- because The bedroom’s very small, and the cupboard’s very big.
۲- She wanted to put it in a bigger room
۳- Because it was very heavy
۴- Please carry the cupboard for me.
۵- They carried it out of her bedroom and came to the stairs.
۶- Well, we’re never going to get this cupboard upstairs.
۷- Upstairs? Aren’t we taking it downstairs?
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